The Belladonna Collection

The Belladonna Collection explores spiritual awakening and transformation as an internal dance with death, through ink illustration and poetry.

Ink Illustrations on Bristol Vellum


Belladonna Artwork
“Belladonna” 11” x 17”
“Death Called My Name” 11” x 17”
“A Deathly Rose” 11” x 17”
“One-Eyed Watcher” 11” x 17”
“A Deadly Dalliance” 11” x 17”
“Follow The Butterflies” 11” x 17”
“Kleos Untold” 11” x 17”

Belladonna Poetry


Each artwork of The Belladonna Collection is paired with a poem.

The collection, when viewed from the first piece to the last, tells a story.


Fine art Ink Illustration
India Ink on Bristol Vellum
11” x 17”

Like water in cupped hands,
Life drips through her fingers.
Finery and fate
Awaiting her date with Death.


Death Called My Name
Fine art Ink Illustration
India Ink on Bristol Vellum
11” x 17”

Death called my name.
I answered with a song.
He invited me along,
His hand held aloft,
A lily at his lapel.


A Deathly Rose
Fine art Ink Illustration
India Ink on Bristol Vellum
11” x 17”

A deathly rose given,
And received in kind.
For Death, I welcomed in
His gentle cadence
Filled my mind.


One-Eyed Watcher
Fine Art Ink Illustration
India Ink on Bristol Vellum
11” x 17”

One-Eyed Watcher
calls me closer.
The ask is
for my heart.
The price
is my soul.


A Deadly Dalliance
Fine Art Ink Illustration
India Ink on Bristol Vellum
11” x 17”

Death was my first love
The one I conjured in my mind
A Deadly Dalliance
dancing the line
between faith and blind
A skip, a misstep
A heartbeat, tremble
I tumble
Together, enveloped
We fall


Follow The Butterflies
Fine Art Ink Illustration
India Ink on Bristol Vellum
11” x 17”

The dark inside
gave rise
to a Voice
in Time.
She bade me,
The Butterflies.”


Kleos Untold
Fine Art Ink Illustration
India Ink on Bristol Vellum
11” x 17”

Into The Darkness
Out of The Mist
Beguiling, belonging
This chrysalis holds clarity
but is no
Curtains close
the stage still set
players poised…
A word,
A story,
Kleos Untold.
a new chapter
yet to unfold.